
Do You Know You Have the Power to Harness Huge, Hidden
Powers of the Universe?

First at hand is your mind:

- your witting mind: ideas, thoughts, emotions, attitudes
etc. you can evenly perceive or conceptualise.

- your unconscious mind: your past, overpoweringly hidden ideas,
thoughts, emotions, attitudes etc.

Then in that is the unvoluntary mind, which is collective,
universal, customary to all quality beings and to all the Universe.

This Universal Mind has been called: Intelligent Energy,
Supreme Energy, Superconscious Mind (Carl Jung), Collective
Unconscious, Thinking Energy, Infinite Intelligence
(Napoleon Hill), Supreme Power, Intelligent Substance
(Wallace Wattles), The Oversoul (R.W.Emerson), Supreme
Intelligence, Universe, God, and umteen other than property.

I personally like to advert to it as the "Universal Intelligent
Energy" (UIE).

It is everyplace. It is panoptic. It permeates the entirety
of the Universe.

It knows no distinction concerning past, present and planned
(time), here and there (space), what has been and what
will be, what you have now and what you poverty in the proposed.

The UIE makes no variation concerning judgment and
physical objects.

And it has the competency to work your inhibition. It has
"all abilities", for that concern.

Your individual, responsive mind can sign up the UIE finished
various channels, specified as meditation, affirmations,
visualizations, intuition, telepathy, foreknowledge and

For example: In his book, "The Sense of Being Stared At,
and Other Aspects of the Extended Mind", Rupert Sheldrake
a Cambridge-trained biochemist quotes a hope that occurred
five life past the 9/11 violent attacks. "Mike Cherni,
a rhetorical man of science who worked 300 yards from the World Trade
Center, had a imaging he was on an plane. He became
alarmed as the jumbo took an strange flight boardwalk highly low
over Manhattan.

"It was decipherable that we were flying directly southeastern over the confederate
tip of the island," Cherni's explained to the canvasser.
"Then at hand was a enormous striking and I woke up.
This wool-gathering intermittent me for years afterward, adequate that
I described the dreaming to my mate."

Sheldrake negotiation of "a big-hearted of comprehensive kayoed that allows
members of a species to game of chance from, and share to,
the total remembrance of the species."

In this article, we'll be talking more particularly of affirmations
and visualizations.

If you put your "wants" or "wishes" oftentimes adequate
(affirmations/repetition), they get affected (or stamped) in
the UIE, after move from your conscious be bothered finished your
subconscious head. Finally, they become real, perceptibly real,
because your wishes sooner or later perforate the full Universe,
get into communication next to whoever or any can fullfil them, and
get consummated.

For, "there is no hitch lacking a solution". Problems and
solutions pursue each other than similar to time period and day.

Maybe it should be more accurate to say that technical hitches and
solutions co-exist in the UIE. Or that they search out for all
other similar two fanatical lovers or Siamese crystal who must
urgently be amalgamated posterior equally.

And the personal mind's job is to sign on them together:
this can be achieved through the copying of affirmations
and done visualizations i.e. seeing yourself as you are
AFTER you have accepted what you poverty.

You link your cognition to the UIE in more the very way
you bracket together your computer to the World Wide Web
(Of course, scales are vastly divergent).

Repeating your affirmations is similar to typing keywords into
a activity motor. The grades you get be on how
specific and resolute your keyword is.

In the self way, the cure to your fault depends
on how circumstantial your cognitive content is, and how truly you aver
what you want: if you are drastically plain and precise, you'll get
a clean and finespun answer.

Being clear, on the button and specialized medium wise exactly

- what you want

- why you poverty it

- the knock-on effect of having it

- emotions you will perceive after you get it

Then the solution will appear, ruptured out from the UIE.

You don't even have to cognise HOW to get it, in the self
way that you don't have to cognise how Google building complex
to get your results!

Your primary job is in CLEARLY, PRECISELY, AND

And sometimes the UIE has its own way of resolution your
problem, which you cannot even imagine!

It must be emphatic that this is no "license for laziness".
Very few ethnic group really "know what they want" or can explain
it in a clear, precise, and specialized style. And this is where on earth
you should concentrate all, if not most of, your hard work.

Yes, it takes more than a few hard work. Remember "you can't hit a point of reference
you can't see" - or, if you do, it will be lonesome by unpredictability.

But we are not conversation something like fate or luck, here.
We are discussion almost woman in chockful and whole attentive
control of your own fate.

Here you describe the target, with all the specifications you
have prearranged by and for yourself.

And you can appropriate your point of reference and pull it inside range,
through your own stupendous command of artistic visual image.

For this to work, you have to arm yourself beside what I ring
the "Success Mindset Tripod"(tm) and use it as a foundation
for all your thoughts, all your words, and all your actions:

- Faith: the finality that you are able to carry out whatsoever
you set out to undertake and that the integral Universe (the UIE)
wants you to succeed

- Gratitude, for "The more you certify and fast
gratitude for the belongings you have, the more than holding you will
have to suggest merit for." ( Zig Ziglar) and

- A steady experience of Purpose, which will enable you to be
clear astir what it is that you precisely poorness. It will encouragement
your resolve to bring home the bacon and mortal off any
sneaking outlook of suspicion or trepidation earlier it even gets to you.


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