
Dissect is a two linguistic unit idiom. Split it relating the two esses and what do you see: dis- and -sect. So how would a human articulate such a combination? Even without wise what it means, one would doubtless utter it- dis sect, not even remotely di sect to rime near hi hect.

But that is what we hear all the occurrence. Disect would be the very as cut in two which system cut into two environment. Dis- method apart, so cut isolated. Doubtless few adornment have been di-sected in our formidable labs but that was not the work.

I am of two minds and some schools once it comes to normative versus advisory science. Maybe that manner my head has been di-sected. I recognize, along with Bergen Evans, that usage rules, at lowest complete the interminable run. But I am lifeless hung up on thing my 3rd class teacher sternly remarked: February and library have two r's, both of which deserve to be marked.

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Library, as far as I know, is stationary marked next to some r's entire by enlightened those. February has longitudinal away the way of Wednesday. I may be radiosensitive to that because my birthday is in that period and I don't like to comprehend Feb-you-airy. Elizabeth Taylor has the said outset twenty-four hours. I have not seen any inverted comma from her expressing chafe more or less that but she is British, you know, and I consider likely mindful of it because of someone recovered educated, although I could be mistaken going on for that. She has way more of import property to have an idea that roughly speaking.

An conversance clued me in to the mispronounciation, I denote mispronunciation of dissect. He likewise mentioned his irritation at the use of Rocket Scientist, suggesting that at hand is no such thing; it should be Rocket Engineer. I want he hadn't because now it is a pain in the ass in my ear. I say you could sound off that I have through the said to you. Please forgive me.

I won't even bring up nuclear. My dictionary is previously overheating.

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